Buy the latest version of SiSoftware Sandra

Loads of modules – Loads of reasons
Latest version 20/21
Hardware modules
Computer Management, Storage Devices, Network, On-board Devices, Peripherals, Portable Devices
Easy “de facto” standard benchmarks for measuring performance. Processor, Virtual Machine, General-Purpose (GP) Computing, Video Adapter, Storage Devices, Memory Controller, Network
Software Information
Video Adaptor, Storage Devices, Network, Running Status, Software Management
Editions and Prices
With a range of options, from home users, to small businesses, to large corporate. There is a version for everyone.
Home Users
5 licences
- Easy "de facto" standard benchmarks for measuring performance.
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- Improve understanding of what is inside your computer.
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- Compare your system with reference systems and results.
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- Check software configuration and settings and much more.
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- Designed especially for Home Users.
Business machines
starting at
- Easy "de facto" standard benchmarks for measuring performance.
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- Analyse your network computers.
- Support for machines part of Domain.
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- Support for Virtualisation.
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- Batch execution of modules.
Tech Support
starting at
- Includes all the features of the Business Professional version as well as.
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- USB/CD version does not require install, save time, saves install
- Allows commercial exploitation / usage.
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- Licenecd per technician for simplification.
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- Reduces total cost of ownership due to each technician being licensed.
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- Ability to run directly from CD or USB without installation. (Portable Version only)
starting at
- Includes Tech Support Plus on USB as a handy portable tool at no extra cost. (Worth $399.99)
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- Remotely runs diagnostics on your network machines and returns the results to your console.
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- Uses domain authentication to push installation to remote machines.
- Suppirts machines you can't physically see.
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- From only $14 per client machine.

Upgrade and save
Existing customers can take advantage of the discounts to upgrade and get the latest version. Upgrade start at: Personal Edition from $44.99 Business Edition from $139.99 Tech Support from $199.99
Upgrade options
Software images
Some sample images from SiSoftware Sandra 20/21